Sapphire Gemfields Directory helps you to Explore More of the Sapphire Gemfields, CQ Highlands.
On this page find gem suppliers & services. Suppliers of sapphire rough, raw gemstones, cut and faceted gemstones and crystals. Qualified jewellers. Stone polishing, gem cutting, faceting and valuations.
This store is closed between Christmas and Easter
During this time all jewellery will be displayed at Fascination Gems.
From Easter, shop hours are: 7 days, 9am to 3pm
Set and unset Sapphire jewellery and Zircon jewellery set in Gold and Silver. Coloured gem stones set in silver.
Secondhand books for sale
Location: 12 Main Street, Rubyvale, Q. 4702
Phone: 0408271905
# gem suppliers & services
# raw gemstones
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4pm
Gem Cutting, Custom Made Jewellery, Ready Made Jewellery, Crystals, Jewellery repairs and resizing.
Location: 1038 Rubyvale Road, Sapphire Central
Phone: 0431754257
Facebook: Aussie Gem Designs
# gem suppliers & services
# raw gemstones
Opening hours:
Open 7 days, 10am to 2pm
Rough and cut sapphires, silver and gold jewellery, free advice. Gems and jewellery. 30 years+ in the sapphire industry. Jewellery shop. Both Auzgems and Gemhunters Gemshop feature in Gemhunters Downunder series.
Location: 23 Keilambete Road Rubyvale Q 4702
Phone: 0400320970 or 0459206164
Find us on FaceBook
Find us on Instagram: auzgems and rayhuddo
# gem suppliers & services
# raw gemstones
# gem cutting
Welcome to our world of stunning, 100% Ethical Australian Sapphires.
We supply faceted gemstones and Jewellery. Australian Sapphires direct from our Central Queensland Mine
Gem Hunters Down Under “The Betteridges”
Opening hours by appointment
Phone: 0408989921
Email: betteridgesapphires@outlook.comWebsite:
FaceBook: Betteridge Sapphires
# gem suppliers & services
Opening hours:
Open 5 days, Fridays to Tuesdays 10am to 3pm
Closed Wednesdays & Thursdays
*From 1st April: 7 days 10am to 3pm
Coolamon Mining have supplied the jewellery trade for over 35 years and now offer their stunning display of quality faceted and locally-mined, sapphires and zircons from their Gemfields outlet.
Location: 1052 Rubyvale Rd, Sapphire Central, Qld, 4702
Phone: 0407881551
FaceBook: Coolamon Mining Sapphires
# gem suppliers & services
# raw gemstones
Operating a small business faceting and mining Australian sapphires and zircons. All our gems are proudly mined and faceted on site in Sapphire Central QLD. We offer a small array of bespoke jewellery.
Opening hours by appointment
FaceBook: Foote's Gems
# gem suppliers & services
Contact: Janet Young
I am a registered fellow of the Gemmological Association of Australia (FGAA), and have a Diploma in Valuing with the National Council of Jewellery Valuers: NCJV reg valuer #Q216
Gemmologist and valuer: I am able to identify your stone and value your unset gemstones and jewellery.
Location: By appointment only. Based in Mackay and travels to The Gemfields monthly.
Phone: 0408665896
Facebook: Gemval. Gemstones and Jewellery Valuations.
# gem suppliers & services
Wirrabarr Gems sells sapphires and zircons which have either been found in our mine at Divide, Rubyvale or specked in the Central Highlands QLD.
We supply sapphire rough and cut, and pre-made jewellery.
Wirrabarr Gems is showcased at Gemfields Fossicking Park.
Location: Gemfields Fossicking Park.
Email -
Phone - 0412720228
Facebook - Wirrabarr Gems
Instagram - wirrabarr_gems
Website -
# gemstone services and suppliers
# raw gemstones